Thursday, 1 October 2015

Return of Mountain Girl!

As you're all aware I haven't posted in 5 months, terrible of me, I know! However, I am back, with good news, lots of exciting upcoming posts and videos. I've done lots of exciting things over the summer and gone to lots of exciting places that you guys will find out about soon enough.

So first, the good news, I received over 1000 votes for the Simply Hike Climbing Blogger of the Year thanks to you guys and I WON!! I got a beautiful trophy that I will upload a picture of it at a later date, however I'm still waiting for my 'goodies' which I'll do a review of when I receive.

Have a look at the other winners and finalists here:

Unfortunately with good news also comes sad news, I was unable to complete my trip up Jebel Toubkal that I'd mentioned in a previous post due to the doctors telling me I couldn't as I had a chest infection. I still went to Morocco to have a 'relaxing' holiday that I will do a short post about. However, this has reaffirmed my dislike of beach and sun holidays. I need adventure and excitement to keep me occupied!

I will post more soon, I promise!

Thanks for bearing with me in my absence,

Emma :)

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